Dolenz Sings Nesmith, a collection of songs featuring Micky paying tribute to the songbook of Michael Nesmith. Order now! On CD Or on vinyl
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I grew up and went to school in the 1970s and 1980s and never heard of the Asian Internment Camps until I read George Takei's autobiography in 1995. Afterwards, I asked my dad about this as he also grew up in California and was aware of the Camps while they were happening. It never occurred to him to tell me about them, figuring I would learn about them in school, which I didn't. I also have to say that being sensitive to Asians didn't really start until the 1980s as prior to that they were considered our enemies due to wars with Japan, Korea and Vietnam. That doesn't mean it was right to make fun, but the wars gave us more license to make fun. There were still many occasions where white people portrayed Asians as recently as Joel Grey in Reno Williams in the 1980s. When the Civil Rights Amendment happened in 1964, it somehow didn't seem to extend beyond black people and so Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics were still regularly made fun of and it took a lot longer for things to change. Good discussion!!
ReplyDeleteOh puleez. “Diversity” is a code word for anti-white. More liberal garbage. The episode is a freaking scream the wAy it is. Its a damn sitcom!!!! That said, i do like the idea of keye luke and bruce lee cast in the parts
ReplyDeleteSo......sympathetic acknowledgment and empathy for other cultures is exclusively a liberal trait? OK. That's too bad. Good to know I'm associated with that.
DeleteFact Check: we fought wars with Japan, North Korea, and North Vietnam on the side of China, South Korea, and South Vietnam. We had Asian friends as well as enemies just like we had European friends and enemies and that really had nothing to do with ethnic stereotyping. It had to do with Hitler and Stalin trying to take over the world to steal everybody else's property resulting in us and everybody else ending up getting stuck in the middle of big gang war. Ethnic stereotyping is just an overgeneralization most people make about strangers they simply don't know well enough as individuals. The only thing really wrong with it is that it isn't very accurate usually since we're all individuals more than anything else. Everybody from England isn't Davy Jones and shouldn't be expected to be which can lead to misunderstandings.
ReplyDeleteThis isn't that uncomfortable a subject to discuss, as the hosts say.
ReplyDeleteAs an Italian-American, I always winced a bit at the gangster characters in various Monkees episodes -- and even in movies like "Johnny Dangerously."
While I found this stuff hilarious, I knew there would be kids at school who took it at face value and would ask me if I knew gangsters because of my name.
Anyway, back to my first sentence: This isn't that hard to discuss. All's you need is one sentence: "Now youse can't leave." (Look it up, kids!)
Guys, I'm all for acknowledging the "problematic", but this was .....what I call "white people wringing their hands". It probably could have been half as long.
ReplyDeleteAlso, are you all going to do this regarding Mexican stereotypes in the season 2 opener? Probably not.